Make the hyperlink to the AMZ listing more obvious on the listings page
in progress
Khin Hoang
Some users are unaware that the marketplace link on the listings page will bring them directly to the AMZ listings page.
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Anastasios Petridis
in progress
Anastasios Petridis
We've made an update to provide access to your Amazon listing in the listing table from the menu shown below:
Fernando Salazar
Anastasios Petridis hi, what about when you are inside the listing page? That would be very helpful too, like clicking the title of the listing which will then take you to the amazon listing.
Anastasios Petridis
Fernando Salazar: Hi, Fernando! You'll find the same menu in the listing page, located in the upper right of the page. We're looking at ways to make this workflow further accessible.
Luke Ewing
Wow, I came here for a different reason but so thankful for this!!! I don't know if I hid it or what, but marketplace wasn't even enabled in my chart. Problem solved! Thanks!
Artem Koushnir
Better find something out late than never. I also had no clue for months that you could do this.
Anastasios Petridis
Anastasios Petridis
Merged in a post:
One-Click to Open Amazon Listing on Main Repricing Page (
Jared Rogers
Instantly go to the listing page on Amazon with one click of a button from the main repricing homepage ( ).
Put it right after the "Copy ASIN" button with enough padding to prevent misclicks. I put a little plus button on the screenshot as an example.
This will allow for much more efficient use of the tool leveraging insights from other sources like Keepa, SellerAmp etc without needing to copy paste the ASIN into a new URL, or going to the granular listing specific page (extremely inefficient for a large catalog).
One click replaces 4, over a catalog of 100+ ASINS that's removing 300+ keystrokes for a simple UI addon that would probably take 2 hours to deploy.
Jennifer Harding
Would love to be able to click the ASIN on the 'ALL' listings page as a hyperlink to the Amazon page. I came from Bqool and they had this feature which I really miss.
Lucas M Miller
I am having this issue. Where on the listing page is the hyperlink? This would be incredibly helpful to have
James Yanyuk
Lucas M Miller: We're reworking this now to make it more obvious. In the meantime, you can find the link by clicking the button shown in the screenshot below:
Khin Hoang
Lucas M Miller Also, on the /listings page, under the "Marketplace" column, you'll find that it's actually a link that will bring you directly to the AMZ listing.
Aaron Dickinson
Yes. Nothing should be behind a drop-down unless really necessary.