Update Date Range beyond 30 days of Sales Data
On the ASIN Overview page, be able to customize 30, 60 or 90 day sales history view.
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Casey Laughinghouse
Ability to view yesterday as a sales overview time period would be great as well!
Anastasios Petridis
Merged in a post:
Custom Date Ranges on Dashboard Overview
Boondogs Llc
It would be nice to be able to view custom date ranges on the dashboard overview. Currently it allows you to quickly toggle between Last day, last 7 days, last 30, this week, and this month. It would also be nice to have the additional customization to see last month, last quarter, and custom date ranges. It would also be nice to drill into the data by clicking on the specific days to see the items that sold along with the detailed sales data. For example. You could toggle to last month, then click on specific days with high sales and see what sold etc.
Uriel Santana
We need this one now . 365 days worth of information 🤤
Roger Muscarello
I agree also having Year to Date would be nice.
Anastasios Petridis
Boondogs Llc
This would also be helpful if we could have custom date ranges to view sales data. For example, months with 31 days, you can only view last 30 days on the main homepage for the sales dashboard.
James Yanyuk
under review
James Raines
Or even the ability to generate a report with this data